Happy New Year’s friends! I hope you all had a great New Year’s Eve! I would like to tell you that we got all glammed-up and went out for a fun night on the town … but that was not the case. My hubby is the CIO at a bank, and their busiest day of the year is always New Year’s Eve, and he usually doesn’t get home until after 10 pm, and then is ready to go to bed. I usually sit at home alone with the pups watching Ryan Seacrest, eating popcorn.
I know, boring. If any of you did anything fun let me know so I can live vicariously through you!
I have to say that last year was a pretty good year for us. We got to go on a fun cruise as a family,
Our daughter got another year of college under her belt (only 1 semester left! Yahoo!); everyone stayed healthy except for a few viruses here and there; and we still have a good home to live in, cars to drive and food to eat.
Now that the New Year has begun, everyone in their dog is making New Year’s resolutions. How many of those people actually last through the first month? I know I have certainly failed at those in the past. I saw this quote today and love it.
“New GOALS don’t deliver results, new LIFESTYLES do.
And a lifestyle is not an OUTCOME, it is a PROCESS.
For this reason, all of your ENERGY should go into building
better RITUALS, not chasing better RESULTS.”
One thing I would like to work on this year is gaining more self-confidence and stopping the comparison game. Let’s face it, the majority of style bloggers out there are around 20 years old, a size zero and have flawless skin. Putting your 43 year old self out there for the world to see everyday with your body that has seen better days, your wrinkles, and your thinning hair can be a bit humbling when comparing yourself to these 20 year olds. This year I am just going to try and present myself the best that I can and remember that these girls are literally half my age, so the fact that I can still slap on some makeup and not totally look like the crypt keeper is a good day.
Our daughter still lives at home. While some days I gripe about her still living here and leaving her crap scattered all around my house, I am also still glad she is here. I know that this is her last semester of college, and she will be moving out in a few months. I am going to try and be more present and anytime she wants me to watch a movie or do something with her (which is rare these days as she works 3 jobs) I’m going to take advantage of it. Work will always be there, but she soon won’t be.
I am determined to focus more on my health this year. I have had an autoimmune disease for the last 15 years (someday I will go more in depth on this subject) which flares up from time to time. Since I have no immune system I have a hard time fighting off viruses, and when I get one it takes me forever to get over it. It seems like I just start working out and gaining momentum, and then I get sick for a month and then have to start from scratch. It gets frustrating. Regardless, I am getting back on the bandwagon this week and really focusing on cleaning up my diet (the holidays were rough folks) and really sticking to a strict workout schedule. Pilates seems to be the most effective form of workout for me.
I also have smaller things I would like to work on.
- Step out of my comfort zone with my blog pictures
- Grow and utilize Pinterest for my blog
- Hit 20K on IG and 50K on FB
- Remodel our hall bathroom
- Start on our Kitchen Renovation
- Pay off debt
- More date nights with my husband
I am working on an editorial calendar for this upcoming year and would love to hear what you all would love to see more or less of this year. More or less beauty posts/tutorials? Try-on sessions? Workwear? Etc. I love getting your input as you are the ones I write for! I would also love to hear your goals or resolutions for the new year!
I hope you all have a wonderful new year full of love, laughter and good health! I can’t wait to see what the year brings us!
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