Happy Monday everyone!!! In the last week we have a lot of new readers, so I will try to catch everyone up to speed. There are a few names and terms you might not understand if you’re just joining in (and I’m glad you are!).
First of all, I’m Shanna and my dear hubby’s name is Chris.
My dad’s name just happens to be Chris also, and that kind of creeped me out when we started dating, so I refer to the hubs as Topher (the last half of Christopher).
I have a 15 year old daughter, and just the fact that I am breathing makes me the most embarrassing person on the planet. In my writings, I have sworn an oath not to mention her by name or use her picture. So if you see lots of pictures of our dogs, and none of the kid, it’s not because I love them more (well most days I don’t). It’s just that I am not allowed to further humiliate her by claiming to be her mother. She goes by pseudonyms “the unnamed child” or “the-child-that-wishes-to-remain-anonymous”.
Then there are my other children:
and Kitten.
You will hear a lot about my fur babies, as they are always getting into some kind of disastrous trouble.
If you are coming to my blog hoping to see a spotlessly clean home, perfectly made recipes, and stories of how I love everyday of my life, you should turn around and run right now.
I am more of a, This is how I did this craft wrong the first three times, but how it did finally work out in the end, kind of gal. I want you to know what I did to screw it up, so you don’t have to go through the same thing I did. Trust me all of those perfect recipes you see on Pinterest, didn’t come without somebody chopping 9 jalapenos and then realizing they could have just bought the canned ones instead (it could happen, I’m just saying).
My house can look perfect on the blog — as long as you are only looking at one room. The other rooms will be containing all of the crap-o-la that I shoved out of the one in the picture.
I run my furniture business from home, which I love. It means: not having to get dressed until noon, not wearing makeup (unless a client is coming to pick up their piece), and being able to watch Ellen while I work. The down side is, I’m trying to paint with three fluffy white dogs under foot, not having a reason to buy nice clothes anymore, and people tend to believe that just because I don’t work in an actual office, that I don’t really work, and therefor, are asked to do “favors” and to volunteer for things they would never ask a “working” person to do.
When it’s all said and done, I do love what I’m doing now.
I’ve been blogging and doing my furniture business for 10 months, and it’s the first time in my life I have a passion for what I’m doing. I love seeing clients’ faces when they come to pick up their “new again” furniture, having a channel for my creativity, learning this whole new world of blogging (it’s seriously like learning a foreign language), and getting to meet and interact with, seriously, some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Taking something that someone was literally throwing away, and breathing new life into it is so rewarding. The fact that I am making a living doing it is just the cherry on top. I had been asking God for the past several years to guide me down the path to where I was supposed to be. It might have taken a while, but I think I’m finally here.
To all of you newbies, I am so excited you are joining me! To all of my other friends (and I do consider you that), I appreciate you all for taking time out of your busy lives to follow along with mine and being so kind and supportive with your comments. As you all know your comments make my day!
A while ago, I bought a dresser off Craigslist, and they gave me this mirror that they thought went with it. Once I got it home, I realized it did not belong on the dresser. (Please disregard all of the paint and junk on the floor reflecting in the mirror.)
It’s been sitting around here waiting for me to get some inspiration. I dry brushed it with aqua paint, and lightly distressed it, cut some wood to fit, and used chalkboard paint to create a cute piece.
I have a project coming up that I’ll use this for, and I’ll be sure to let everyone here know how to turns out!
Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day!
Also, please remember to stop by last week’s post for a chance to win a $180 Amazon Gift Card!
Shanna-That is a great little history of who you are. What I like best about you is that you are REAL…NOT perfect-(only in God’s eyes!;>) Love your blog and I love coming here to visit you. You just keep on doing what you are doing and your blog is gonna grow right along with your business-xo Diana
That is why I love you Diana! I’m going to come to you for an ego boost every time my daughter tells me what a nerd I am!
I love that mirror/chalkboard!!! It looks so much better than it did before. Wish you could just ship it to me.
You might rethink that once you found out how much shipping would be my dear!
Awww love the little snipet of history about you and that mirror is just gorgeous! xoxo
Thanks Clydia!
First of all, you and hubby are a gorgeous couple!!! and then there is your fur babies (pinning them all), but having been following you now for a while, this was such a great little bio on your story and your blog. Part of your style is that you just “tell it like it is” and make us laugh while doing so. It’s ALWAYS enjoyable and fun to stop by, not to mention your awesome projects!!!
What oh what did you do with the mirror? I have mirrors hanging on walls that I can’t bring myself to remove because I don’t know what to do with them. I am terribly afraid of breaking them and having 7 years bad luck. I think it would be very liberating to just smash them with a hammer, not to mention solve my problem, but I can’t bring myself to do it.
Do you have a solution to the get rid of the mirror without inviting karmic doom?
Love the new changes to your site! I shared the article with Brent and he enjoyed reading it too! You have such a way with funny detailed description and I love your passion for your husband, unnamed daughter, dogs….and oh ya…your blog!
Love what you did with the mirror!
Hi Shanna,
This is my first time visiting from Blogtalk. I pinned your lovely chalkboard here http://pinterest.com/woodberrydesign/shabby-transformations/
How gorgeous are your fur babies… we have a Bichon Frise too and a little toy poodle. I’m sure your teen is cute in her own way too. She sounds like my teen girls (16 & 19)… we seem to embarrass them all the time!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Love that frame, and the color you painted it. Awesome. I’ve been discovering how great spray paint is.
I don’t have a blog cause I’m too busy reading every body elses’. I love to read blogs, see the great projects made, “meet” new awesome talented people like yourself.
It’s been a big help for me since we’re a bit isolated where we live and due to financial circumstances can’t do much at all but stay at home, read blogs and make crafts. Hubs and I are seniors in our early 70’s and live in western CO. Hubs does the cutting out, spray painting, sometimes sanding of projects depending on his mood, irritator when I have ideas and he has his, doesn’t do as I’ve asked but what he wanted. From what I’ve seen and read on your blog I’m quite inclined to subscribe.
We have 2 furry kidz, one dog and one cat. Since our kids are too busy for us nowdays our furry kidz are our babies, can’t live without them. Your furry kidz are absolutely adorable. We’d have more dogs and cats if I had my way but hubs says we can’t afford any more furry kidz. Oh poop.
I was talking to my mil one time (few years ago) and she said we loved our dog more than our kids. I replied that yes sometimes we do, the kids give us crap and the dog didn’t. Our kids are all grown up with pretty much grown up kids of their own, no fun anymore. They keep treating us like we don’t have a brain or know what we want. We’re just older, not dead.
I love your sense of humor and honesty. Pretty much how I am about things, it is what it is. Right now our house is pretty messy from my latest round of crafting, fall decorating. As these months go by it’ll most likely get messier. Cleaning house isn’t my first priority anymore. I love a clean house, I just don’t want to be one that makes it that way. So things get cleaned when I can’t stand them anymore, they get done in between projects, when I need a little time to ponder things. I’m glad I found your blog thru Get your DIY on (Spray painting). Happy week kids
I don’t blame you JaneEllen, blogging is definitely a full time job and I wish I had more time to actually sit down and read others. It sounds like you and your hubby make a great crafting team. If money were no object I would have a whole slew of animals but unfortunately they do get expensive. I’m pretty sure in this last year alone we have paid my vet’s children’s way through college. Pets really do make your life better though, don’t they? Not sure what I would do if anything happens to any of my fur babies. My daughter and I volunteer at our local Humane Society and it makes me so sad to see the condition of some of the animals that get brought in. I think God has special plans for those who are cruel to children or animals. As far as having a messy house I’m pretty sure mine takes the cake. Between all of my client’s furniture pieces laying everywhere, my crating junk, my pup’s toys and my teenager daughters clothes I feel like those people in that show Hoarders. Sometimes all you can do is laugh about it. I’m so glad to meet you! I hope you pop by again!
I loved learning more about you in this post, Shanna! What a beautiful couple you and your hubby make! And speaking of beautiful… that mirror is absolutely stunning! Amazing job! Thanks so much for linking it up at Get Your DIY On! Have a great week!
~Abby =)
Thank you so much Abby! Thank you for hosting!