Every year for Mother’s Day, Topher makes me breakfast. This year he surprised me with Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls!
These were so good!
Since I didn’t make them, I am going to turn it over to Topher to let you know how to bake these babies.
Good morning! Topher here…
As my darling wife mentioned above, each Mother’s Day, I try to prepare a special breakfast … and this year I decided to go with these Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls.
If you’re good at following the directions, these aren’t too challenging, but they do take a while. The recipe said it would be two hours to prep, but it took every bit of three.
Making the dough wasn’t too much of an issue, but I think it would be MUCH more challenging without a stand mixer. Thankfully, my trusty KitchenAid mixer was up for the task. And the entire time it churned-up the ingredients, I kept asking myself how the Amish crank-out these spectacular cinnamon rolls without one of these handy tools…
So, you mix the dough, and then you sit. It has to rise. So you wait. And let it rise. And it eventually rises. After you wait.
Then you knead the dough a little more. And flip it. And let it sit a little longer. To rise. And you wait.
Eventually, you can start-in on a few of the other mixes. The Apple filling was simple, but I’m always nervous working with sugar on the stove top since it can burn so easily and ruin the entire batch — so make certain you’re diligent about watching the temperature; otherwise, you’re peeling/coring/dicing a few more Granny Smiths.
Also, on the filling, I substituted pecans instead of walnuts. Personally, I would have left the nuts out entirely, but the Mrs. likes pecans … so for Mother’s Day, I did too.
When it came time to roll-out the dough and add the filling, I kept the dough a little thicker than the recipe called for, and made larger rolls. The recipe claims a batch of 15, but I only managed seven — but they were all the size of a baby’s head. 🙂
Long story short, by the time I had them sliced and sitting in the baking dish, it was an ooey gooey mess of dough and filling and flour.
Oh, and then they have to sit some more. To rise. A little longer.
But while they were rising this time, I made the topping. Once again, I was nervous with the sugar on the stove, but caramel is supposed to be a little burnty flavored, so it wasn’t too stressful. The only issue with the topping is that I had to keeeeeeep sampling the dang stuff. And it was delicious. Each time…
Once the rolls had risen, you bake them as it states. And then once they’ve cooled a little, you top them.
And then once they’re topped, you eat these little slices of awesome!
So as far as difficulty goes, it wasn’t a challenge at all. Just very, very time consuming waiting on the rising dough.
And as far as the recipe goes, it was fantastic as-is without any significant adjustments to the ingredients. Here it is in its entirety.
All-in-all, I’d recommend you give it shot!
Thanks to my lovely wife for giving me an opportunity to guest post!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Oh, those look so good! What a great hubby! I am going to have to get my ducks in a row and find some time to make these. Yummy
They are worth it Kerry!
yum! I won first place at our fair with my version of caramel apple cinnamon rolls!
I told my hubby I think this is a Mother’s Day tradition we should start after Baby B arrives! 🙂 🙂
Those rolls look sooooo yummy!!!
I was also invited to Chris and Shanna’s home for Mother’s Day and he not only made these delicious rolls but there was an egg casserole, crispy bacon, muffins, and a fruit tray. The egg casserole and muffins were great, but I loved the cinnamon rolls. I loved them so much that I asked to take the last one home – a perk of being his mother-in-law.
(To be completely factual the wonderful blueberry and banana nut bread muffins and fruit tray was provided by my equally lovely and talented daughter-in-law, Andrea). I can’t imagine any woman luckier than I am to have such a fabulous family. They, along with Shanna and my son Chad, are my Mother’s Day gift every day of the year!!