I don’t spend a lot of money on myself.
When I worked outside the home I did. I was always bringing home new clothes and products.
Now that I’m home all of the time, I just don’t have the money or the time to do that. If I spend money it is usually for the unnamed child, for the pups, or for the house. I am not big on trying something, and then if it doesn’t work out throw it in a drawer, and then get something new. I like to get other people’s opinions ahead of time, whether something works or not.
So I thought I would pass on what new products I am loving right now.
Let’s start with Moroccan Hair Oil. I can not say enough good things about this product. I have naturally curly hair, which means without the right products in it, my hair is a giant frizz ball. I have had problems with oils in the past that make your hair too oily. If I go through the trouble of blowing it out and straightening it, I want it to last for several days. This is the perfect solution. It tones down the frizz without making me feel greasy or making my hair flat.
Since the beginning of the year I have been trying to workout more and eat healthier. The downside is that I still am battling that sweet tooth. If I eat well all day and work out, I feel like I need a small reward. That’s where Skinny Cow comes in. I have tried their ice cream in the past, and while it is better than nothing, it just didn’t do it for me. Their candy is another story my friends. I tried their Divine Filled Chocolates – in the Peanut Butter flavor, and I was hooked. If health and weight was not an issue, I would eat Reese’s Peanut Butter cups morning noon and night. These Skinny Cow chocolates rank right up there, and they only have 130 calories and 7 grams of fat!
I was almost finished with this post when I opened up this box of Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisp Bars that I bought yesterday. I got the Peanut Butter flavor, and I was in heaven. I could have seriously eaten the whole box, but I am limiting myself only one per day (or else you lose the whole Skinny part — and I would just be the Cow). You seriously have to try these!
I have told you in the past how I love L’Oreal Miracle Blur. Well now they have come out with Moisture Blur. I am possibly the driest person on the planet, and I am getting some little scary lines creeping up on my face lately. This product literally does what it says, it softly helps blur those little lines. This improved version also keeps you moisturized at the same time.
My name is Shanna, and I am a mascara-aholic. I am always on the hunt for the newest and best mascara. I have tried them all folks and Origins GinZing is my new favorite. It lengthens, doesn’t clump and even after wearing it all day it stays put.
A friend of mine pulled this Carmex Moisture Plus Lip Balm out of her purse the other day, and I knew I had to try it. It is tinted! Now I have tried some tinted lip balms in the past, and here is the problem: I usually only wear them when I am wearing little to no makeup. The ones I have tried have too much tint to them. It makes it look like I have a bare face and then crazy bright lips. I loved how smooth the Carmex brand went on, and even better, that the tint was very subtle. It made my lips show up … but not freakishly so.
Speaking of working out, I love to do workout videos at home. The gym is great, and all but there are some days I don’t want to get out in the heat or the cold but I still need a workout. If you have ever heard of Tracy Anderson, you will know she is a trainer to the stars. She works with Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian, etc. She is known for helping women tone up without bulking up. She specializes in giving dancer’s bodies. In the past she had a video collection she sold online but it was over a $100. I was too cheap to get it, and now she is selling some of her videos on Amazon for less then $12. The one I bought was the Dance+Cardio, and I was a little worried. I’m not the most coordinated person on the planet, and sometimes dance workout can be too complicated and frustrating. This one wasn’t at all. There is a lot of hips shaking and repetition and very little jumping (which I feel at almost 40 you should no longer have to endure). I have done this video multiple times, and I am going to order Precision Toning video today. I’ll let you know how it goes.
This is not a paid endorsement of any of these products … I just thought I would share with you my new favorite things!
Please feel free to contribute to the list using the comment section below!
I love your choices! I, too, have curly, frizzy hair and used Moraccan Oil for several years. The price started to bother me, so I tried Suave Professional Moraccan Infusion Styling Oil. I love it! And the price is fantastic…$5.97 at my local Target or Walmart! Thought you’d like to know.
Thanks for sharing! I may have to try a few of those. I just wish we had the same type of hair so you could recommend some hair products for me. 🙂 So, as far as make up goes, I was shown this website the other day and now I think it’s awesome. I may be the last person on earth that’s heard about it but just in case you haven’t you should check it out. It’s Paula’s Choice, and she reviews all types and brands of skincare lines and make up products. And she actually tells you what she likes about them and why or what she doesn’t like about them and why. Lots of reviews actually wil say she doesn’t like something because it has a certain ingrediant in it and that tends to dry your face or whatever. For me those things are nice to know because I can read a list of ingrediants myself but I have no idea what those things actually do for your skin so why even read the list unless you have someone explaining what each thing actually does. So before I try a new product I’ll look it up on her website and see what she says about it first and sometimes make a different choice. Anyways, thought I’d share in case you hadn’t heard of it before. The website is http://www.paulaschoice.com/beautypedia-skin-care-reviews/brands/.
I’m loving the Skinny Cow treats…the carmel one is sooooo delicious!! My daughter has extremely curly hair and is always finding new products to try. I passed the info on about the Moroccan Oil. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ohh looks like great stuff. I love skinny cow ice cream so I will have to try these. Thanks for sharing.
I love when you share your favorite products, Shanna, there’s always some new product I’m unaware of, in this case several. I have curly hair too, and struggle with everything on the market being too oily. I’ll have to try the Marrocan oil. The Moisture Blur and tinted Carmex are on my shopping list now, too. I still swear by the Jergens sunless tanning lotion that you shared a while back.
I’m glad they help Amy! Us curly haired girls are always struggling to find something to tame our tresses! Have a great week my dear! I hope you are warmer there then we are here!