I have good news! I am doing my very first craft show February 2nd.
The bad news: I have nothing ready for it.
I am not exaggerating here people. I am freaking out! I had custom pieces that nearly killed me, due right up until Christmas Eve day. I kept telling myself that if I could just hold out until Christmas, I would then give myself a few weeks off to recuperate and regroup.
Then I found out I was doing this craft show, and I only had 4 weeks to get ready for it. I felt a bit stressed then, but I knew I had 3 finished pieces under my belt, and that I had time to crank out some more.
Here’s the problem: the big aqua dresser I just finished sold the day I posted it on my blog. Not good, I was going to bring that to the show — please don’t misunderstand … I’m thrilled it sold, but now I have one less piece. So that left me down to two pieces, plus the two new pieces I have started.
Yesterday someone calls about the finished sideboard/couch table I had left. She comes over to take a look and notices the two half finished pieces I am working on and wants to buy both. Again, yay they sold, but now I have one freaking piece left to fill my booth. Yup. One piece of furniture.
I can’t let that happen.
So today I spent the day working on the two half-finished pieces which I can hopefully get finished in the next two days. AND THEN I can start figuring out what the holy heck I’m going to bring to the show.
If you are one of the other lovely ladies I am doing the show with, please don’t freak out (OK, maybe freak out at little bit). I WILL (or at least I’m fairly certain) have some pieces completed, come Hell or highwater.
Sleep is so over rated.
Here is my newest little night stand.
I got this nightstand at a yard sale this summer. It had definitely seen better days. Very dirty and scratched up, and it needed some sprucing up.
I used some turquoise DIY chalkpaint (recipe can be found here), and it took a about three coats. I distressed it, and coated it with a couple coats of clear wax. Looks sooo much better!
Too funny. Sounds like something I would get myself into. Yea/boo that everything keeps selling before you can get them to the “sale”. lol Good luck! By the way, where is it going to be?
Thanks Kerry! Not sure where you are from, but it’s going to be in Wichita at Century II. It’s the craftapalooza. If you live around here please stop by. I am doing a booth with three other women. We all do furniture but all a bit different so it should be fun to see!
Thanks. I live southwest of Wichita but work in town. I would love to stop in if I get a chance.
You are so much fun Shanna! I am also freaking out but with 4 of us and one booth….we should be able to fill it. Good job on all your sales! Love your latest turquoise side table.
Why can’t I live closer!?!?!
I think you might need a road trip Ivy!