Teenagers are messy people. There you have it plain and simple. I was a slob when I was a teenager, and now my teenager that wishes to remain anonymous is an even bigger slob than I ever was. I ask myself, how can such a beautiful girl live with such a mess surrounding her?
How anyone can leave that much stuff from one end of my house to the other is beyond me. How can there even be anything left in her drawers or closet when you have to wade through clothes knee-high just to get to her bed. When I went in there the other day, there were 4 bags of opened chips, cans of opened pop (who knows how long they have been there … I haven’t bought pop in months), bowls of hardened frosting (I think), and some unknown substance, which could be penicillin at this point, on a plate under her bed.
As for her bathroom, don’t even get me started. I have never seen such a slew of beauty products laying everywhere. Kitten was missing for hours the other day before I found her under a pile of towels and clothes on the bathroom floor.
So the child had a 4 day weekend and it was cleaning time. I’m not sure who was more afraid her or me. We decided to tackle the project per day. One day was her room, one day the bathroom, and one day was the closet. I shudder when I think back to the closet.
Two large trash bags later you could actually see the floor. Charlie was so confused when he walked in, usually with clothes piled up that high he would just scale them like a mountain goat to get into bed. Luckily, we found him a stool because he can’t jump high enough to get up there. I tried to put in place some storage devices to help her stay organized. Here is one of them.
I got a hold of a couple of old mason jars. I washed them out, and dried them off.
I then took them outside and spray painted them with metallic gold spray paint.
I painted the outside and the inner rim. I painted one coat, came back an hour later to do another one, and then I let it dry one more hour. One of the jars I left just like that. The other jar I then spray painted with Krylon’s Glitter Blast spray paint in gold.
All it needed was one good coat. I let that dry for half an hour and then coated the outside of it with Mod Podge acrylic sealer.
I then filled both jars up about half way with glass rocks.
You could use the kind you put in an aquarium or I bought these glass beads at Michael’s on clearance. I was using the jars to house the child’s makeup brushes in one and her toothbrushes (not sure why she needs three) in the other, so I wanted the height the rocks provided so she wouldn’t have to fish around to find the smaller brushes.
I think they turned out pretty cute. Hopefully this will help her keep her vanity cleared off … at least for a while anyway.
Urr amazing!!!:
I love the look of those next to the colors of the bowl and counter top. what an easy storage idea!
Ha! Love the story. I too have a beautiful teenage daughter who surrounds herself with a mess. I am going to have to show her your post and threaten to post on my blog as well; however, I don’t think I’ll be as nice as you. I may have to post the pictures too 🙂
I thought about posting the before pictures of her room Nicole, but I was worried that CPS might come and take her away.
Good Morning Shanna, this story took me back to when my daughter was a teenager. Saturday was always cleaning day for us, and her room always looked nice. But, when we moved, and I had to pack up her room, I was stunned by what I fournd in her closet. Plates with dried up food! I was mortified, Who does that?…..oh, teenagers do that.