This my friends is probably one of the easiest tutorials I have ever shown you.
I know that a lot of people will bypass upholstered pieces of furniture at yard sales/thrift stores, etc. because they are intimidated by the whole recovering process.
I too used to be one of those people. To this day are there pieces that I still bypass because they are way too much work? Absolutely.
Projects that only need the seat recovered are way easier than you might think though.
This was a bench that I scored for $12 at a yard sale a few weeks ago. It wasn’t heinous or anything, it was just blah.
The fabric was in good shape without too much wear and no stains, but it was a solid, boring, tan covering; thankfully, all I had to do was flip it over and attach the new seat cover on top of what was already there.
I grabbed some fabric that I had picked-up in the clearance section at Hancock Fabrics last year and cut out a piece several inches longer than my seat.
As you can see Charlie was overseeing this whole operation.
I first started by using a staple gun to staple down the sides. Make sure you do your corners last since they are a bit trickier.
When you do get to the corners, just fold them down evenly, and before I staple them in place I always flip it over to make sure I’m happy with the way it looks before I lock it down.
It’s easier if you have someone help you do the flipping.
If it’s right where you want it, use several staples and then just replace your seat to your project.
Easy peasy!
Isn’t it amazing what some simple fabric can do?
Now you know how to reupholster a bench the next time you come across one at a sale! This baby is headed down to my booth!
What a fantastic find! Now it has personality
Shanna, you have given me courage to try at some point. I am one that would pass cause I haven’t done it before. I need a piece now. 🙂