Hello my friends!
I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! We spent ours pulling everything out of my craft room so that I can start painting it. Now this might not seem like a big deal to you guys, but if you had seen that room you would understand why that was a huge ordeal. It is where I stash everything. From furniture, paint, all of my crafting supplies, and most of my staging decor. It was so… out. of. control.
So while that room is empty waiting to be painted, all of the crapola is now spread all over the rest of the house.
God help us if a neighbor should ring our doorbell. We can’t even locate all of the dogs at this point under all of this mess.
One of the things I pulled out of the office/craft room/land of hoard was this TV console I found at a yard sale a few weeks ago. It was probably made in the last decade, but it had scratches down both sides and was nothing special to look at.
I painted the whole piece with Plaster Paint’s Sweet Cream and then used Grey Silk to stencil on the top and to paint-on the stripes.
I wasn’t loving the handles, so I replaced them with some pretty grey ones from Hobby Lobby.
Love it Shanna – now it’s got some personality!