I bought this coffee table at a yard sale for $12. Great deal! It had a neat shape and great carving. It was an ugly brown and had a circle around the top of it that was inlaid with some other type of wood.
I painted the whole thing turquoise but the ring still showed through. I added a couple more coats of paint but it was still there, it just looked like a bad cover up job. So I paid my dear daughter to use a tiny paint brush and paint the ring brown. I then lightly sanded over it but it took off a huge chunk of it! Then I thought I would paint the whole top of the table brown and maybe I would sand the ring and the turquoise would show through. No dice, it looked weird. So I had to putty over the whole ring, sand it down, and start over. Ugh! In the end it turned out really pretty but I put way too much effort into the silly thing. I forgot to take a before picture (I have a hard time remembering to do that) but here is the after.
One of my fav’s!!!
Beautiful! I love how you distressed the color – simply lovely! Great job Shanna! 🙂
I love it, beautiful job. Love lots and lots of your stuff!!! just for your info, if that ring or bleed through things happens to you again, just put a couple coats of shellac on the spot and it will not bleed through again. Love your color!!!
Hi the table came out beautiful and I love the color choice. I saw it on throwback thurs.
Julie at julieslifestyle.blogspot.com
I love the transformation. You did a great job and love the color. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.
Love the color!!!!!!
I love your table – the color is so pretty and you did a great job with the distressing. I found it over at the Throwback Thursday party!
Hi there, it’s me! I had to stop by because I knew I hadn’t seen this table before and I figured you had linked up a really old post this time. 😉 Love the color! So pretty. 🙂
What color is this?