Hi guys! How was your weekend? Yesterday, as promised, I only worked for a few hours and then took the rest of the day off. We went and saw The Giver which was pretty good. There were a few things they didn't really explain at the end, but it was worth the price of admission. I even splurged and got popcorn. Topher thinks movie theater popcorn is the most disgusting stuff on the planet, and while I agree it is horrible for you, I think having it once a year won't kill you. I worked for ... VIEW POST
Vintage Shelf Makeover
Lulu’s Story (Green Antique Dresser)
If you read my earlier post about my first dog Gracie, you know that I am absolutely in love with my pup. She is such an amazing dog. The only problem we had was separation anxiety (on both our parts). She was (is) super clingy to me. If we would leave you could hear her through the door crying. So at this point in our lives, we had one dog and two cats which my hubby thought was more than enough. I didn't. I knew Gracie needed a friend. I also knew this time I didn't want to go through a ... VIEW POST