With Valentine's Day creeping up on us, I have been a glittery, gluing fool. I seriously think it is forever embedded in my skin. Even poor Topher can't go anywhere without people pointing out glitter on his face. Not too professional for a banker. While I was painting inside over this past weekend, he did some serious painting outside for me. It's a big project that isn't quite finished yet, but I'm struggling because I'm so excited to show you! Let's move on to a project that is ... VIEW POST
3-D Valentine’s Day Letters
Glittered Dollar Tree Skull
Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope you all had a good weekend! After the insane week of getting ready for my Halloween Home Tour, my body rebelled, and I was sick all weekend. Let's just say Nyquil Nighttime and I were BFF's all weekend. I have had a lot of questions on how I made some of the projects on my Home Tour, so I thought I would break them down for you this week. Let's start with this guy. ... VIEW POST