Last weekend I took all of my Christmas decorations down — so sad.
Today I was looking at my very naked mantel and decided it needed some Valentine’s Day sprucing up. So I pulled out my tool box (which held my glue gun), glitter, and crepe paper and off I went. I went to Michael’s and bought these supplies (remember to print off their online coupons before you go):
I bought
- 2 Styrofoam balls (the size depends on how big you want your “tree”)
- 2 small flower pots
- 1 can of red glitter (or whatever color you choose)
- 1 dowel rod (I got that at Lowes)
- 4 rolls of crepe paper in whatever your color preference — I chose hot pink, and
- whatever “groundcover” you want at the base of the tree (I had a hard time decideding between moss or this fun Valentine’s shredded paper — obviously the fun paper won out)
Now I am making two trees since I want them to flank my mantel. If you are only making one just cut the recipe in half.
I also used 2 cans of spray paint: I used a silver and a hot pink because those are what I had on hand.
You will also need a hot glue gun.
I started by spray painting my flower pots a hot pink and my dowel rod silver.
I let them sit about two hours before I started working with them. I then took my pots and started lightly brushing them all over with Mod Podge. You could also use other types of glue or a spray adhesive (I find the spray very messy — trust me I learned this the hard way).
After they are covered in glue I sprinkled my glitter all over them.
The picture was after only the first coat.
Make sure to use the glitter over some newspaper or a plate because this can go everywhere. Also, make sure that when you have moved onto another step, your dog doesn’t grab the plate and run and leave a trail of red glitter all over the entire house house (just sayin’ … this could happen). There where spots that didn’t cover evenly so I had to reapply the glue in some places and sprinkle again.
I cut my rod to my desired height. I then stuck it in the bottom of my Styrofoam ball.
I wasn’t sure how to anchor my stick so it didn’t topple over. So this is what I did: I got a disposable cup, filled it with sand and buried my stick down to the bottom of the cup. I then put the cup inside my flower pot and it was good to go from there.
I then started on the crepe paper flowers. This is very time consuming. It isn’t difficult .. it just takes awhile. Would be good to do as you sit and watch TV.
I took my crepe paper and folded it in half and then just started rolling.
Every flower I tried to make a different length. Some where 7 inches some were 12 inches just whatever I wanted.
Once you get the flower rolled attach the end with some hot glue to get it to hold together.
Then put hot glue on the bottom and attach it to your Styrofoam ball.
Just keep adding flowers until the entire thing is covered (make sure you place them closely together so you can’t see the white of the ball show through).
The last step is to cover the base of the tree (or top of the pot) with your moss or shredded paper.
I am still losing glitter as I move this around, so I think tomorrow I will coat the pot with Rustoleums clear coat to seal it.
I think it turned out really cute. It will be great to decorate with or would be a great Valentine’s Day gift.
If you have any questions shoot me a comment down below!
oH, I’m glad I found this. I will make several of these as they will be showy!! in my new booth. I am moving Feb 1st from one antique mall (small) to a LARGE ONE on the highway that gets lots of customers. My booth is all done in pink and white. Go to my facebook page and you can see some of it. Kind of bare now. Thanks again, love it!
Carol Carol’s Cottage Place
I love it 🙂
I saw on Pintrest (funny how most of my conversations start with that) you can use the spray insulation called Great Stuff to anchor the dowel as well. I have never tried it but I have used this product and watch out… it REALLY expands! Less is more with this stuff. I think I am going to attempt to make this, thanks for the tutorial!
I LOVE this! I wish you lived closer so you could just make double of whatever you are making. You are so crafty. I love this & everything you do. You need to do the windows for Anthropology. You would be amazing at it. 😉
I think you are waaayyy overestimating my abilities my friend but I love you for it! You need to move up here and we could open up our own shop!
These are darling! Easy and great tut too. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for hosting Debbie!
How festive! I love this little topiary. Thanks for the tutorial!
Linking from Debbiedoos,
Ricki Jill
That is just darling! I love it. Thanks for sharing with the copy cat party.
Thanks Debbie! Thanks for hosting!