Who among my friends is a procrastinator like I am?
If you are like me, you always have way too much on your list, and your holiday decor consists of what you can whip-up an hour before your guests arrive.
Today’s project fits that description, my friends.
Like the majority of you, I am a lover of all things Target Dollar Spot. It’s like Dollar General on steroids, and I for one am an addict. I tend to pick things up there and tuck it back into my craft hoard knowing, that I will someday use it.
That is what happened in the case of these burlap flags.
Also in the hoard was this little bunny ornament that I picked up from God knows where.
I picked up some grey, pink, and blue felt from JoAnn’s that cost me $3, and I traced the little ornament.
I then cut out the bunnies and hot glued them onto the burlap.
Since you probably don’t have a bunny ornament, you can easily google Bunny silhouette, print it out and trace that.
I could have left the bunnies at that, but I decided they needed some tails, and I found these little white pom poms in the kids craft section at Michael’s. I used my 40% discount on them which made them around a dollar. I hot glued them on also.
I then ran some jute through the grommets on the flags the length of my fireplace and that was it!
Ta da!
Just put some felt daffodils on the other side of the flags, and voila, your spring decorating is done until Memorial Day!