This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #TENways
Around this time of year I get a panicky feeling. You know, the feeling that summer is just around the corner.
Now you all know that I am a summer girl. I love just about everything about it: BBQ’s, fireflies twinkling, no waking the unnamed child up for school … it all makes me a happy girl.
The one thing I hate: trying on swimsuits. My palms start sweating just thinking about that much skin being exposed to the public.
The unnamed child starting wearing shorts last week, and she is feeling a little self-conscious too. She used to be in cheer, but after many years of competitive gymnastics, she tore tendons in her wrists and has had to bow out. She used to be able to eat whatever she wanted, since she was active enough to burn off the calories. Now she has come to the sad realization that she actually has to burn off all of that junk food that she takes in.
So her and her friends have decided to make some changes (at least for vanity reasons), and they didn’t have any time to waste.
So I sat down with them and helped us all come up with a game plan:
1. Trade out sugary drinks for a low calorie substitute. 90% of the time I am a water girl, but every now and then I need some actual flavor. As far as the teenagers go, they might as well have an intravenous line of soft drinks inserted into their veins. I explained to them how quickly those calories in soft drinks can add up. Then I heard about the new four DPSG TEN sodas they carry at Wal-Mart. It’s a 10 calorie soda line by the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. They have flavors like Canada Dry, A&W Root Beer, 7 Up and Sunkist. I am not a diet-drink person. All diet soft drinks have a very artificial taste to me, so when I tried these I was skeptical. I couldn’t have been more pleased. They have all of the flavor of the regular version with just a few calories. The girls loved it as well! There is even a coupon for you to pick them up at Wal-Mart!
2. Get more sleep! I’m not sure who this is harder for, the girls or myself. You all know I am a total insomniac, and most of the time I just lay there for hours before I can drift off. There are times where I procrastinate (I know hard to believe), and I am up late at night working. I am trying to really make en effort not to do this anymore. As far as the girls go, you all know that teenagers have about the worst sleep habits on the planet. When I told them that staying up late texting could actually make them gain weight I think that this changed their perspectives a bit.
3. Exercise. The unnamed child tends to stay up too late talking to her friends, and then by the time she gets home from school she is exhausted and doesn’t want to work out. The plan is now that if she goes to bed earlier, she will have more energy throughout her day, and then she and I will go to the gym after school.
4. Add more color to your diet. Teenagers generally only want to eat things that either come from a fast food joint or something that comes out of a package. I asked her the other day to make me a list of foods that she had eaten that had an actual color (not an artificial one) to it. Within three days of meals, she couldn’t give me one — which made me feel like a failure as a mom. When she would have her friends over, she would ask me to grab them some bags of chips and candy. Now I have been bringing them plates of fruit and veggies with low-fat ranch dip, and surprisingly I haven’t heard any complaints. I also brought them down a pitcher of the 10 calorie 7-Up with some diced up strawberries, lemons and limes to add a little summer taste … which they loved!
5. Clean out the kitchen. I am responsible for what groceries come into this house. Just because gummy bears and nacho chips have been put on the list (I wonder who did that?) doesn’t mean I have to buy them. If a teenager has a choice between frosted cookies or fruit, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out which she will chose. If healthy options are the only options, then that’s what she will have.
6. Get moving. Being a blogger means a lot of hours logged behind a computer. That is unavoidable for me. Since the kiddo only is required one year of PE in high school, she does a lot of sitting during the day too. So the rest of the hours during the day require movement to burn calories. When I run errands, I park as far away as possible. When I go to the mall, I no longer park right in front of the store that I am going to. And, the unnamed child has been taking the pups out on more walks individually to add more steps.
7. Set a goal. The kiddo and I both decided that we would feel a lot better about ourselves if we lost five pounds. It’s nothing extreme, but we both wanted to tone up and lose a few inches. We decided we would weigh ourselves twice a week to keep ourselves on track.
8. Make a checklist. We printed out a list that would make us accountable each day. At the end of the day we mark off if we drank enough water, ate enough colors, broke a sweat etc.
9. Have a goal outfit or swimsuit. We both went ahead a bought a swimsuit that we loved. We both have a bit of work to do before we are going to be happy but at the end of each week we are going to try it on and see our progress.
10. When eating out make smart choices. I would say portion control would be the number one problem with dining out. At some restaurants, the portions are enough for two or three people to dine on. The unnamed child and I always split a meal, and never have we left a restaurant hungry. Most dining establishments label healthier options on their menus, so we try to always order those entrees or go to restaurants that have lighter meals.
To find out more about the TEN products {7UP, Sunkist, A&W and Canada Dry} on facebook & twitter.
What great ideas to implement in your goal of getting fit! I love the idea of using a checklist at the end of each day to make you accountable for your actions.
I’m excited to try the Dr Pepper Snapple 10 calorie drinks. I drink way too much diet Coke – can’t wait to give them a try.
I love that you included pictures in your blog – it makes it easier to visualize your methods. You are such a wonderful writer – you should submit some of your blog entries to a magazine!
I used to walk with my 89 year old mother until we lost her two years ago. She could still make it around the block if you can believe that. She was more fit that I am today, LOL. I have just been thinking about how I need to get my self in gear and get a bit of a plan in order, it looks like you’ve done that for me, thank you. When I drink pop, it’s always diet because, so I’m definitely going to try out the TEN products!
Great tips and great motivation. My daughter and I have talked about some of things too, and really need to get moving. Thanks for the incentive!
Great tips, Shanna! I have been trying to stay active and watch the calories since January. Every little bit helps!
Every time I read “the unnamed child” it just cracks me up! She’s lucky to have a mom like you to help her sit down and make a plan! The sodas look so pretty in your colored glasses. Yum!
These tips are awesome! thanks for sharing!
It is so hard with girls and body image. I am thankful I had boys and only had to worry about my body image! LOL Keep active, walk instead of parking close, every little step counts!