Yesterday, the unnamed child and I were watching a TV show about uber rich teens and the life they live. The child commented that she would love to be crazy rich. I asked her why, and she said that it would make her life so much better.
I explained that people that have crazy money have just as many problems as people without money, sometimes even more.
So we both wrote out a list of what money could buy and what it couldn’t. Here is my list of what it could:
- Financial Freedom. Independence.
- It can make you look better: Top of the line cosmetics, plastic surgery, clothes, manicures etc.
- You could give more to people who need it: Friends, family, charities.
- Vacations: Italy, Greece, France. You could travel everywhere.
- An amazing home and plenty of gourmet food.
- Someone to help decorate that home. I would love to still come up with the ideas and then hire people to do them for me. Someone to build that screened in deck, or paint all of my cabinets. I would like to pick out all of the decor I like and have someone with more vision lay it all out for me.
- The best medical care. If God forbid someone would get a life threatening illness, having the piece of mind to know you could take them anywhere to be taken care of.
- Good teeth.
- Air conditioning, Louboutins, heat, good lighting (which goes back to making you look better), nice cars, and health insurance.
- Experiences/adventure.
I’m not going to lie … having money can definitely make life easier in many ways. But there’s so much more that it can’t give us.
Tomorrow, I will share will you my list of what money can’t buy.
Speaking of what money can buy, here is what $6 bought at a yard sale I went to last week when it was a whopping 39 degrees here.
Yes I know I’m crazy for stopping, but think of how crazy the people were for having it! They were frozen solid!
They said these lamps were from around the late sixties or early seventies. They both need cleaned-up a bit, but I loved the colors and shapes of these.
I will keep you in the loop when I figure out what kind of shades I’m going to put on these guys.
What would be on your list? Share it down below!
Sherry says
I saw your grey desk on FB (being shared by the lovely Lori Young) and just had to come by and say HI. I really enjoyed reading this post and have to go find the “what money can’t buy” version. It’s amazing how we can be so convinced sometimes that money will fix everything. Although having enough can definitely ease some burdens, as you pointed out…and there’s always looking good 😉
Shanna says
Thanks Sherry! Lori is quite lovely, I agree! My daughter goes to a very wealthy school and while we aren’t poor by any means, we will never be in the same category as most of her friends. Where I grew up there were a few wealthy kids but that was the minority. At my daughters school wealthy is the “normal” and like any kid she wants to fit in. It’s so hard to teach a child that money doesn’t necessarily give you a perfect life, when everyone else’s life looks pretty perfect from the outside. She will learn, and someday she will be grateful that things weren’t just handed to her. Have a great week!