Yesterday I wrote that I would have a new project for you today. It turns out I’m a liar.
After bending down painting the entire weekend, I tweaked my neck and back. I am in a pretty immense amount of pain right now, and I might not be able to share a project with you today, so instead, I thought I would share a few of my favorite things (cue Julie Andrews).
First of all, since I am the whitest person on the planet, this time of year I douse myself in Jergens Natural Glow and Protect. This stuff has come a long way. When it first came out years ago, it tended to make you a bit on the orangey side and it smelled terrible. I’m not sure what they did, but the smell has disappeared and the color is much more natural. I like that it’s a layering process. The more you rub on, the more it gradually increases in color. Most tanners out there dump a ton of color on you all at once, and then you’re stuck with it. For all of us albinos out there, we like things a bit more gradual.
L’Oreal Revitalift Miracle Blur. The closest thing I can compare it to is a makeup primer. It improves your skin tone. No more blotchiness; it hides sun spots and gives your skin a velvety texture. I put it on before I apply my makeup, and I wear it even on days I don’t wear makeup.
Hopefully I will be on the mend soon and will be back with those promised projects!
Amy @ StowandTellU says
I definitely need to try that Jergens Natural Glow. I have the “too white” issue, also and the bottle tan seems my only option, but I hadn’t seen any that included SPF. Thanks, I think I’ll pick some up for my road trip this coming weekend. Hope you feel better soon ~ Amy
Shanna says
Thanks Amy!
Cash Annesley says
I love the Jergens natural glow too! One time my sister & I thought we would go to our local tanning salon and get a spray tan. Needless to say the guy working was like just hold your nose and shut your eyes. Maybe do some blotting at the end. Um okay. Simple enough. I go first and let me tell you I should have moved more throughout the process! My sister is next but she didn’t have a towel to blot since I used the last one! So were both thinking this is great, instant tan! HA! Later that night we noticed we were getting more and more orange. I’m talking pumpkin orange. Horrible!! So for about four days we stayed indoors because we were afraid of scaring everyone. 🙂
Shanna says
Lol! Oh my dear Cash, I did the exact same thing years ago! I didn’t spread my fingers when I did it so my hands were bright orange but in between my fingers was glowing white. Not noticeable at all!