Happy Friday friends! I hope you all have had a great week! I have been doing some major spring cleaning this week! Doesn’t it feel good doing a little de-cluttering?
My hubby’s workplace is hosting their yearly zoo day, and we are taking our daughter, her boyfriend, and our 4-year-old niece. Our niece will be having a sleepover with us tomorrow night too. I love that she gets so excited to come stay with us! She’s always so lovey and tells us thank you for all her new fun goodies we have for her. I stocked-up on spray on chalk, apple juice that comes in princess bottles, some refill papers for the Lite Bright and some new books I picked up at a yard sale. She has a challenge with Topher (my hubby for any newbies) every morning to make her pancakes shaped into something like a bear. Last time she stepped it up and asked for a unicorn. Topher was up to the challenge and somehow pulled it off. We always have to snapchat her mom and dad showing off her fancy pancake!
We have been having some beautiful weather here lately (between some massive storms), and I’ve been excited to be able to break out some of my new warm weather clothes. This navy + white striped jumpsuit is one of my new favorites!
It’s a nice lightweight fabric, and it’s so comfy it’s one of those great pieces to take on vacation because it’s not tight and allows you to be able to eat — which we all do a little too much of while on trips away! It’s got a great price point being less than $53! It comes in 2 colors and has free shipping!
I paired it with this cute little inexpensive straw bag as well as my favorite neutral heels for summer!
I want to thank the lovely Mikayla at Tousled for doing my hair!
The last time I talked to you I was reading the book Mercy by Jodi Picoult. I wanted to update you and let you know that it was really good. I don’t think there is a single book by her that I have not liked so it’s really no surprise.
I’m about half way finished with Same Kind of Different as Me. They recently made this book into a movie staring
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