I get emails all of the time asking where I put my fur babies when I am working on my projects.
The answer is anywhere they want to go.
Trying to lock-away three dogs and a cat while I get some uninterrupted time is unheard of in this house. If I locked them in a separate room, you would be able to hear them all whining all the way to Quebec (and I won’t mention what shape my doors would be in…).
To say that my animals are a bit co-dependent is like saying Ben doesn’t need Jerry. Or that Bella doesn’t need Edward. Topher doesn’t need his coffee. The child doesn’t need Twitter. Plants/sun. Lennon/Ono. You get it.
They have to be with me 24-7. It’s like going to work with four toddlers strapped to your legs.
So to answer the question, How do I keep them out of paint, Mod Podge, tissue paper, carefully folded stacks of burlap, and any other craft project? I don’t.
Every month we go to the groomer’s, I hang my head in shame as I hand her each multi-colored, partially Mod Podged dog.
You don’t know how many times I have scrubbed puppy paint foot prints off my hard wood floors, chased Charlie down the hall with a dowel rod that I need for a project in his mouth, pulled cat hair out of a wet-painted project, and had Gracie make a nest in the middle of half completed wreath.
Oh and lets not forget my favorite, the time LuLu dumped an entire quart of paint in my craft room where all three of the muffins ran right through and trailed it all over my house. Talk about trying to heard cats.
Don’t get me wrong, I love them all dearly, but they can make working from home a bit challenging. They always want to be exactly where the action is, and here to prove it are just a few of of the photo bombing pictures I have.
Lulu wondering why the Fourth of July Wreath is on the spot where she likes to sleep.
Gracie helping mom make a Burlap lampshade. Two seconds from this photo, she picked up the burlap circle and ran off with it (still haven’t found it — but we’re pretty certain she didn’t eat it).
I just caught Charlie about to steal this fun looking ball (topiary), but then has this Mr. Innocent look on his face when he knows he’s busted.
Charlie posing for the gallery wall before photo.
Grace helping with a Tissue Paper Wreath.
Unflattering shot of Charlie while we shoot a table.
Gracie and Lulu checking out the garage while I shoot my latest yard sale find.
Naughty puppy Gracie on the table helping make a Bookpage Christmas Tree.
After a long day of mischief Charlie has to crash.
Your dogs are so cute. Loved theses pictures except we need one of the cat photo bombing too!
If you really want help…..get MORE CATS!
They are super adorable!!
How cute! and I thought I had my hands full with my kitty, just my kitty!! That gallery wall shot is my favorite, too funny how they pose sometimes 🙂