I’m taking a poll people. How many of you out there have dogs? And how many of them completely freak the heck out when they hear fireworks? All hands?
As you all know I have three little muffins: Charlie, Gracie, and Lulu. All three of them absolutely lose it when they hear fireworks. It would be one thing if it was only for one night. Unfortunately, everyone within a 10 mile radius feels the need to set them off for an entire week — which sends my pups into hysterics.
As I sit here writing to you, Gracie has her head under a pillow, Lulu is hiding under the couch, and Charlie has been MIA for two hours. I have a sneaking suspicion he is hiding in the unnamed child’s old Barbie Dream House in the basement (yes, he is that small).
I have never been big into buying fireworks, for the same reason I am not much of a gambler. If I’m going to spend money, I want to be able to walk away with something I can wear, eat, or decorate with.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy sitting outside on Independence Day, with an adult beverage in my hand, watching the beautiful show as much as the next fella. Too bad my night is always cut short having to go inside and tend to three shaking dogs on the verge of a nervous breakdown, clinging to me while everyone else is enjoying the show.
Don’t feel too sorry for me, the earlier part of the day is what I enjoy the most anyway. Hanging out with friends and family, and eating good food makes me a happy girl.
Speaking of not spending money, here is a project that will cost you little to nothing.
If you look in your cabinets (or under my sink in my case), you will likely find a bunch of clear or white vases that flowers have arrived in over the years — and for some reason, we hate throwing them away. If you can’t locate any, you can easily find them at almost any yard sale for under 50 cents.
I cut some flowers the other day and wanted to display them, but I didn’t have any pretty vases. I decided to take them out back and paint them a couple colors of spray paint that I happened to have on hand (red, white and blue would be perfect for the Fourth).
Two coats of paint later and Ta Da! The biggest no brainer project I have done to date, and the combination of the colors and the flowers just make me happy!
So tell me, do your pets freak out this week too? If so, any tips for helping them cope?
Those look so great! I will have to spray paint some of mine now. Well, since I’m deathly allergic to dogs I don’t have to worry about the fireworks. But my parents’ dogs have always freaked out when the fireworks start. But they have recently lost their hearing because they’re so darn old so they should be just fine this year. Also, I completely agree about the waste of money on fireworks and would much rather have something to wear or eat, however my children do not feel that way. So, I won’t tell you how much we spent on fireworks because it was way too much. I’m just hoping we get to shoot them off since it’s calling for tons of rain here. Have a great 4th!
Poor pups! Maybe their hearing loss will be a blessing tonight! I hope Ben and Gracie had fun setting off their fireworks!
They look GREAT! We don’t have dogs anymore but the ones we had were always afraid of guns and fireworks. Hope you have a wonderful 4th! xo Diana
Thanks Diana! Have a great 4th yourself!
We don’t have dogs anymore but our cat freaks out with fireworks. Our wonderful neighbors shoot them off year round too. He just goes and hides under the bed or in the basement. I used to see commercials for a firework related pet calmer when I lived in the UK but it seemed like you were just drugging them up.
PS – LOVE the vases! Amazing job, as always.
Thanks Dianna! Hope your kitty isn’t too stressed out tonight!
I love the colors you chose for the vases. One of my mom’s dogs gets terrified too… She gets a few relaxer pills from the vet for that reason! Once they couldn’t find her after a thunderstorm and the little yorkie had managed to jump into the bathtub… Of course she couldn’t get out by herself. Lol. Hope your puppies don’t get too scared! 🙁 P.S. Hope you have an awesome 4th of July!
It’s so funny you said that, because my cat was hanging out in the bathtub tonight. That’s never happened before. Have a Happy Fourth my friend!
I love your colorful vases! And your flowers look great too. Both of my dogs are terrified of the fireworks. I have to turn the tv or radio on and up kind of load to cover the firework noise.
Thanks Holly! We had the radio on tonight too! It’s such a long night for the pups!
For a hot minute there I thought you painted milk glass vases and my heart sank. Teach me to read first! They are lovely.
Nope I’m smarter than that! Thanks so much Patti-Ann! Have a great Fourth!
Purty, purty, purty!!! Love the color, what an easy way to bring out a pop of color. I might have to use this idea in my kitchen once I get it somewhat dialed in. Dogs are so sweet and smart. They know better that standing around with a pack of matches lighting explosives while holding them in one’s hand just doesn’t make sense!! Happy Fourth of July ~ Amy
I agree, they are smarter than us in many ways!
Yes our dogs and one of our cats are terrified of fireworks. We are just happy when the holiday is over and none of our neighbors have set our house on fire!
I agree! Well, there are a few fireworks still going off but so far we have all survived! Happy Fourth Carmen!