Have you ever had a get together and wanted some treats you could make ahead of time?
As you all know from my How To Host A Baby Shower series last week, I was searching for “girly” treats to serve my guests at the shower I hosted. I came across these pink sprinkled Rice Krispie Treats, and I knew I had a winner.
First of all, you make a regular pan of Rice Krispie Treats.
Let them sit for about an hour, and then cut them into squares.
Next I inserted these sucker sticks (also called Cookie Sticks).
I then took two packages of these candy melts (also from Micheal’s) and melted them in the microwave.
Once they were melted, I took a butter knife and spread the “chocolate” on the front and back of the top half of the treat.
While the chocolate was still warm, I sprinkled on multi-color sprinkles.
Next is where things went terribly wrong.
I had these foam blocks, and I thought … Wouldn’t they be the perfect thing to set them in so that they could dry?
That’s a big fat NOPE.
The heat from the melted chocolate caused the treat to warm-up and start oozing down the stick.
You can see in this picture where they were starting to crack.
I knew it was going too well.
Now what?
I set out some wax paper and set the treats on there while they cooled. I was worried that once I pulled them off, it wold pull all of the chocolate off — but miracle beyond miracles it didn’t.
I places them on some decorative plates (chocolate side down) and tied some ribbons around the middle of the sticks.
They look GOOD! 🙂
That melt-o-chocolate can be tricky, but they turned out perfect!! Yum.