You know when you have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? That was today for me. Before I was even out of bed I had a grouchy teenager yelling at me that I had washed the wrong shorts for her last night. Pretty sure she was lucky I washed any shorts for her.
My husband’s car was being worked on, so after having only two hours of sleep last night (insomnia) I had to take my daughter to school and him to work. I had a doctor’s appointment so I had to kill and hour and 1/2. So of course I went to some yard sales. They were total duds.
I arrived at my doctor’s appointment and they informed me that she was in surgery and I would have to come back tomorrow. Seriously? I was so tired and cranky at that point I thought the reception’s unwillingness to pull my doctor out of an operation for me would result in her own would need for a teeny bit of surgery.
Anyway, I drove 15 minutes back home and as I’m pulling into the driveway my aunt calls with a tip on a great desk which was all the way across town. Of course it was.
So I flip around, find this desk (in a questionable part of town) and ask if anyone can help me load it into my car. The nice lady said she would help but she had a bad back. So she helped me but it was basically with all the strength that her pinky finger had. This is a seriously heavy desk to lift alone.
So by the time I was finished I was drenched in sweat. This desk had apparently been HEAVILY smoked around for the last 50 years and now my car stinks like an ashtray. So I finally get home, try to take a nap, and in one hour of rest I get six phone calls.
So much for the nap. Anyway that’s enough of my crabby rant.
On a brighter note this is a little stand I got at a yard sale for $4. It was an ugly chocolate brown. I used a pretty aqua on it, distressed, glazed and waxed.
Pretty, pretty, pretty. My favorite color! Nice job!