What do you think of when you think of Valentine's Day? A little romance, right? Chocolate, flowers, a nice candlelit dinner? Well today, I can help you mark one thing off your list: the candlelit part that is. The best part? That you can do it for only ten dollars! ... VIEW POST
Silver Ombre Candleholders
Turquoise Ombre Painted Dresser
Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope you had a great weekend! I spent mine painting. I did achieve a major accomplishment though -- I actually cleaned my paint studio! It was a total pit: pieces of sandpaper, tools, knobs, and drawer handles were everywhere. I organized things, and I even vacuumed it! Now I can actually see the floor, so, hopefully, it should be easier to work in there. Which is good since I am getting ready to move a giant dresser in for my next project. Sadly, school ... VIEW POST