As you all know Christmas is my favorite holiday. While I love all the decorations and fun traditions, the best part of this holiday is spending time with my family.
While I am looking forward to our time together, I am also so very saddened for the people that lost loved ones at Sandy Hook Elementary last week. I can’t imagine being one of those parents, waking up on Christmas morning with no child running down the hall to see what Santa has brought. To know that a child had been robbed of all that they could have become. That so many lives will be permanently changed.
As I looked at the paper where they listed all of the ages of those killed, and they printed the numbers 6,6,6,6,6,7,6 beside each of these children, it shattered my heart. Also, the children that lost their parents, and how they will never have a father to walk them down the isle or a mother to help heal their first broken heart. Also the first responders. Those horrific images burned into their minds will forever change who they are.
As a parent, this tragedy touches a sacred part of my soul. Yes, sometimes my teenager makes me crazy. Her moodiness and backtalk can make me want to pull my hair out. But when I think to the poor parents who will never have a teenager, I am so grateful that I have been blessed with such an amazing daughter.
I remember back to when my daughter was six and everything about this time of year was so happy and exciting, and my heart breaks for those who have had that taken so suddenly.
While we will never understand what makes a person do such a heinous act, it does bring into perspective what things in life are most important. Yes it’s great to have fun gifts under the tree, but when it comes down to it, they are just things. I know those poor people in Connecticut would give every gift from every Christmas to just have 5 more minutes with their child or loved one.
May God grant the families and friends of Newtown peace.
What a beautiful poem Shanna. Thank you for sharing 🙂