Today is Thursday, and where I live that means today is garage sale day.
Yes, garage sales are also on Friday and Saturday, but the majority of the sales start on Thursday.
That means I wrote this post last night, and as you are reading this, I am probably out making the rounds — knocking over old people trying to get all the good stuff.
Just kidding, I only knock over the people my own age and younger.
So as you are getting ready for your day, I am bargaining with people, yelling at my GPS for telling me to turn after I already missed my turn, and stuffing as much stuff in my car without getting myself pulled over.
Speaking of yard sale finds, this little child’s dresser is one of my newest ones.
To say this was in rough shape is an understatement people. It had scratches, and dings, smelled like a combination of stale coffee and cigarettes, and had pretty much the ugliest knobs on the planet on it.
First off, I coated the drawers with a coat of shellac to seal off that odor. Then I painted the shell with Plaster Paint in a combination of Seaside and Prairie Sky.
I then distressed the whole shell.
Next I took some wrapping paper that I had and cut out pieces to fit the drawer fronts.
I then painted on a layer of Mod Podge on the front of the drawers and laid on the paper.
Next I used a credit card to run over the front of the paper to get out any air bubbles.
I took a sanding block and ran it over the edges of the drawer front to remove any extra paper.
Then I painted on a coat of polyacrylic over the wrapping paper to seal it.
I painted the sides of the drawer a tangerine color to give it an extra pop.
I coated the shell and sides of the drawers with Plaster Paint’s Paste Wax and buffed it off.
Finally, I replaced the ugly knobs with some pretty new ones … and that was it!
Make sure you check out my blogging buddies decoupaged projects down below!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Nice redo of a piece that had seen better days! Remind me to stay out of your way if I see you at a yard sale! Happy hunting!
I love the color and decoupaged map front drawers. You definitely gave this piece that had seen better days a new life! Your accessories are right up my alley! I have my father-in-law’s Brownie camera just like yours that I love to use in vignettes. Great project!
Love this paper! So much, in fact, I bought some for myself. Wish I were garage selling with you today!
Thank you Jamie! Great minds think alike!
I just love that map paper!!! Fabulous redo! ~Christy
Love the paper! It’s amazing. Good luck garage saleing today!
I love how this turned out! and the pink drawer detail is a nice surprise. Very pretty. Have fun at your garage sales today, sounds fun!
Fun makeover, Shanna! Hope you didn’t knock any little kids out of the way to get to this ha ha. You are so funny…Love how this turned out! XO
I have to have your paper! Love the whole project and your finished look. Adding tangerine to the drawers was a pop of adds so much personality! -Good luck on your garage hunting!
Is beeeeaaautiful Shanna!!! Love the colors too. 🙂
What a totally FUN makeover! Such a happy project! LOVE it! Life to the full! Melissa
Thank you Melissa!
Very pretty! I love the colors- and that map wrapping paper is fantastic!
I love everything about your piece! The paper, the blue and the surprise pink of the drawers 🙂
Thank you so much Debbie!
I love the paper you used!! It turned out so cute!! I laughed when I started reading your post. It was just what I need. I’m quarantined to my room because I got the flu. I can’t even remember the last time I had the flu and I never get the shots. I went yesterday to my doctor and I was her first case for the season. Ugh! Can’t wait to see what treasures you found today 🙂
Thank you my dear! I hope you are feeling better!
Just adorable! I love the colors you choose. They work perfectly with the paper.
Love the paper you picked and the pop of color on the inside. Great job! Wish I lived where there were great yard sales! We have kids clothes and plastic toys around here. Thrilled to be on the tour with you! ~Jeanette
Amazing makeover Shanna! Love the map drawer fronts and the perfect pink peekaboo for the inside. That old thang is awesome now!