If you’ve come here today looking for a fun new project and an upbeat attitude to start off the new year, you are in the wrong place my friends.
I have the plague.
We are talking the I’ve-been-wearing-the-same-pajamas-for–three-days, hair-in-a-matted-bun, haven’t-brushed-my-teeth-cuz-the-bathroom-feels-light-years-away, I’m-covered-in-used-tissues kind of plague.
Do you remember one of the worst viruses you have ever had? I know you do. The my-head-feels-like-it’s-going-to-blow-up, my-throat-is-covered-in-white-bumps, and every-inch-of-my-body-aches-including-my-fingernails sickness.
Well, this is how I am kicking off the new year.
I have a thousand projects I need to be working on, but I can’t because I have taken so much NyQuil I’m hallucinating. All these drugs are giving me crazy dreams that I’m back in high school, I can’t get my locker open, and I’m going to miss my finals. The only people happy that I’m sick are the dogs because with my fever, I’m radiating so much heat that they are keeping warm while it snows outside.
Topher is bringing me things when I need them, but basically he just throws them to me from across the room for fear of getting this crap. I swear he almost took out my eye when he threw the last Kleenex box at me.
Yesterday’s original plan was to take the tree down, but since I was pretty sure I was going to die, I thought I would like to have my pretty tree be one of the last things I saw.
So when you drive by my house and still see the sparkling lights through the window, do not judge and think what white trash I am, just know that on my death bed I am seeing 4 trees with my double vision.
P.S. If anyone knows of a sore throat remedy that keeps your throat from feeling like razor blades are dicing your tonsils every time you swallow, please let me know.
Teresa says
It sounds like you may have strep throat! Maybe a doctor visit is in your near future? I hope you get better soon, you’ve had it long enough, GEEZ!!!!!
Darlene says
Oh you poor thing!! Of course I can recommend tea with lemon and tons of honey to coat that throat, Hall’s lemon cough drops non-stop and Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup. If you can keep that down, sherbert (no ice cream!) and jello. Vick’s Vaporub on your neck and chest, wrap an old hand towel around your neck and pin it. Keep it on overnight under your pj’s. Of course you don’t smell so great, more like a big eucalyptus tree, but it clears up your head and you’ll sleep better. NyQuil starts to do funny things after a day or two – did you ever get that locker open?
And even though you can barely stand up, my mother insisted on 3 day max in the same pj’s, especially if you’ve Vick’s up. She’d fill the tub and put my nice clean pajamas on the radiator to warm them up, clean socks and undies and a new ponytail. While I was in the tub, she’d change the sheets and blankets making my bed look so welcoming with fluffed up pillows, all neat and tidy. These tried and true methods have seen me through 3 kiddies of my own and will undoubtedly be passed on to their kids (should a miracle happen and I ever have grandchildren!!! oooh my, sorry about that outburst).
And one more recommendation – a baseball glove to catch those flying tissue boxes 🙂
Seriously, I hope you feel better soon and not to worry about those holiday decorations. Mine are still up too while I contemplate how to repack and reduce the number of huge tubs downstairs, like I do every year. It never works out that way though, they just seem to increase into giant leaning towers threatening to crush us all.
Get well soon….
MJ says
Darlene is on to something. My sweetie was miserable this weekend and said his throat felt a lot better with the very warm water with lemon juice and natural honey (not that grocery store crap that’s often extended with corn syrup of some sort–you need the thick cloudy yellowish stuff than has to be pried out of the jar with a crowbar (only slightly exaggerating). I once prescribed tea but it’s not in the house anymore as it makes my stomach do summersaults.
My go-to cure is mentholated ointment all over the bottom of the feet and covered with fluffy socks to keep the feet warm and the bedcovers un-medicated.
I feel so sorry for you. It’s hard to be young and so sick. No picnic when we’re older, but we know we’ll die before long anyway, and even sick is better than dead..LOL
Have to admire you for worrying about what the neighbors think of your (nearly) 12th day of Xmas tree! You clearly have different priorities than I do when I’m feeling as rotten as you feel!
Anyone have a problem with it, when they come knocking on your door complaining, Topher can invite the complainants in to take it all down for you and pack it away as you like it done. Serve them right!!! LOL
Forget real life beyond your “death bed” room, and come on back when you feel 100% better. We’ll wait.
Sending good thoughts your way…..
Crystal says
I’m so sorry you are sick!! That’s not the way to start the new year 🙁 It sound like you have strep throat on top of the flu which is a horrible combination. I would go to the dr to get the needed meds. I hope you feel better soon!!!